Resolutions & Statements
2009: Elder Abuse (Advocacy Guide)
2007: Minimum Wage (Advocacy Guide)
2006: Ending Global Poverty (Advocacy Guide)
2005: Tax and Budget Concerns (Advocacy Guide)
2003: HIV/AIDS: A Worldwide Tragedy (Advocacy Guide)
2001: Economic Justice (Advocacy Guide)
2000: Debt Relief
1997: State and Local Advocacy for Welfare Policy
1997: Children's Issues in North America
1995: Welfare Reform
1994: Reform of the Welfare System
1991: Insuring the Future for Children
1987: Social and Economic Justice
1985: Economic Justice
1985: AIDS
1983: Equality for Women
1981: Economic Justice and Social Welfare
1975: Status of Women
1967: Anti-Poverty, Crime and Firearms Legislation
1965: Judaism and the Family
1965: The Anti-Poverty Program
1953: Point IV
Advocacy Alerts
2013: Comprehensive Sex Ed, Minimum Wage
2012: Reform Movement Speaks Out About Israel, Abortion Access for Military Women, Fiscal Cliff
2012: Fighting Domestic Violence, Deficit Reduction, Canadian MP on Jewish Refugees
2012: Social Action Project Ideas, Eradicate Obstetric Fistula Worldwide
2012: Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law, America's Anti-Hunger Programs, L'Dor V'Dor
2012: Elder Abuse and the UN
2012: VAWA Reauthorization, Or Ami Awards Continued
2012: Or Ami Awardees Continued, Disaster Relief
2012: Social Action Project Ideas, Eradicate Obstetric Fistula Worldwide
2012: Update from UN Rep, IRAC Op Ed from Anat Hoffman, Fair Minimum Wage
2012: Or Ami Awardees Continued, Reminder: Help End Childhood Hunger
2011: Working Together to End Hunger, Global Hunger Shabbat, Crisis in East Africa
2011: Important News to Consider and Actions to Take on Israel, East Africa, and the Paycheck Fairness Act
2011: Famine in East Africa: What You Can Do
2011: Q & A: Social Justice at WRJ, East African Famine Relief
2011: Take Action: Help Prevent Obstetric Fistula
2011: Inform Your Legislators that You Oppose the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2012
2010: Unemployment Benefits, Gender Wage Gap, Reproductive Rights
2010: Become Involved in the Fighting Poverty with Faith Mobilization
2010: Plan for the Future: Social Security, Pensions, and Savings
2010: Deficit Reduction Without Harm
2010: Fighting Poverty with Faith, Child Nutrition Reauthorization, Rotem Conversion Bill
2010: Jobs, Child Nutrition, Fighting Poverty, News from Canada and Israel
2010: Jobs and Unemployment Insurance Extension, Sisterhood Breast Health Programming
2010: WRJ Work on Maternal Death and Fistula Featured at Religions for Peace Multi-Religious Forum
2010: Maternal Health and Fistula: An Important New Program
2010: WRJ Leader Participates in UN DPI/NGO Conference
2010: Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Global Hunger: Women and Children
2010: Cancel Super Bowl Anti-Abortion Ad, Funds for Haiti and Long Term Relief, Haiti Update
2010: Haiti Relief Fund, Child Trafficking: Canadian Sisterhood Advocacy Needed