HarrietAnn Litwin

HarrietAnn new headshot

HarrietAnn Litwin is a member of the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Emeth in Wilmington, Delaware.  She is a past president of her sisterhood, Recording Secretary of the Mid-Atlantic District, and a member of the WRJ North American Board.

Parashat Va-eira

HarrietAnn Litwin
Belief in one’s own ability to be a leader does not come easily to many of us. I recall, many years ago, the first time my supervisor at work put me in charge of a major project, which called for me to lead my peers and some co-workers who were at higher levels than I was at the time. I questioned whether they would follow me. But, with support and encouragement, I gathered my wits and developed clear directions, goals, and deadlines. My path in WRJ has been similar.

Parashah T'tzaveh

HarrietAnn Litwin

I have been thinking a lot about the concept of “carrying the weight of the world on one’s shoulders.” This image is often associated with Greek mythology, specifically Atlas, who is frequently depicted carrying the earth (although the myth might have been

Parashah Nitzavim

HarrietAnn Litwin
Nitzavim holds a lot of meaning for me, personally. As a parashah that states that we were and are all standing at Sinai, it specifically includes me as a woman. It tells me that the mitzvot are mine to fulfill, not as a daughter, sister, or wife, but rather as a full-fledged member of the community. I am seen and included.

Voices: Sh'mot

HarrietAnn Litwin



Sometimes, I sit back and wonder about how I got involved in WRJ. I think my story is like that of many other members. The story of this week’s parashah, Shemot, relates to my journey, and perhaps yours, in finding a place in WRJ.

The parashah begins

WRJ Voices: Tazria

HarrietAnn Litwin

Several weeks ago, I was asked to speak about sisterhood at a brunch for new and potential members of my congregation.