Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair

Jenn Daley headshot black and white

Jenn Daley currently serves as the Marketing and Communications Chair on the WRJ Executive Committee. She is a Past President of WRJ Southwest District and a past Sisterhood president for Congregation Gates of Prayer in Metairie, LA and Congregation Beth Shalom in Arlington, TX. Jenn is the Executive Director of Temple Sinai in New Orleans and lives with her husband Ken, two wonderful children, and one rambunctious doggie.

Fried Women’s Conference

Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair
Michelle Scheinkopf

Jenn: In 2006, I began my sisterhood journey because leaders of my sisterhood deemed it was time for “new blood.” They were tired of always being in charge. At the time, I did not hold a position on the Board and had only assisted on one fundraiser. I was the

It's Not Just About Rainbows

Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair
For our family, June and LGBTQ+ Pride month are more than wearing rainbows and posting on social media. As an ally and proud parent of a transgender daughter, it is about making sure our child is proud of who she is, feels beautiful inside and out, and remembers Jewish values in her daily life – not just in June, but year-round.

Parashat Chayei Sarah

Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair
On the recent WRJ Civil Rights Journey (CRJ), the theme of legacy was repeated over and over. As our tour guide, Billy Planer wrapped up our powerful five-day experience, he asked this poignant legacy question, ‘How will you live your life so that when you die, you have a legacy of justice for the next generation to remember you by?’

Parashah Vayikra

Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair
This past weekend, my women’s group, Congregation Gates of Prayer Sisterhood, was able to hold our annual Sisterhood Shabbat after missing it last year due to the pandemic. It was a beautiful Friday evening service full of feminist perspectives -- led entirely by women, with meaningful readings from WRJ’s Covenant books, tunes of mostly female singer/songwriters for our prayers, and dancing through the aisles WRJ-style to MiChamocha. It was the ‘dancing of the women’ that brought me to tears remembering what I’ve so dearly missed, an overwhelming feeling of being closer to God.

Spring Cleaning Your Social Media

Jenn Daley, WRJ Executive Committee, Marketing & Communications Chair


Ah, Spring – the flowers are blooming, and birds are chirping. Spring cleaning is traditionally when we are busy decluttering and organizing our home. It’s time to add one more item to the Spring-cleaning list -- your sisterhood’s social media. When you don