Kyra Goldman

A woman with brown shoulder length hair, gray hat, green shirt, red lipstick, smiles and holds a guitar.

Kyra Goldman has been performing her original songs internationally since she was a teenager and is now a new face in Jewish music. She started her career in the gospel music genre playing hundreds of concerts across the US and internationally. She appeared on national Christian television and radio programs in the US, the Netherlands and Germany. She has won several songwriting competitions, published with Universal Music Publishing Group, released several music videos, EPs and a self-titled debut album, and shared the stage with internationally known musical acts.

My Journey from Altar-Girl to Cantorial Soloist

Kyra Goldman

I was born a Goldman, and always knew I was Jewish on my dad’s side. Although my whole family was spiritual in their own way, the Jewish side of my family didn’t have warm feelings towards religion, and the only thing  passed down to me was the Jewish humor