Laurel Fisher

Laurel Fisher headshot

Laurel Fisher is a Vice President of the Board at Temple Shalom in Dallas, Texas, and the Immediate Past President of the Sisters of Shalom. She is a Past President of the WRJ Southwest District and past member of WRJ's North American Board. Spreading Tracy’s joyful Pink Sparkles is a daily goal.


Falling in Love with Judaism

Laurel Fisher

Earlier this year I was asked, “when did you fall in love with Judaism?”

For me that was an easy question because my first Jewish experience was very formative. As a young child, I didn’t know that there were people who didn’t celebrate Christmas. I had never

Resolve to Lean into Your Values

Laurel Fisher

It is time again for New Year’s resolutions - that annual promise that THIS year will be YOUR year. “Out with the old and in with the new! This year I will get organized/learn a new skill/exercise more/travel more.” You get the idea.

While motivation is high

Parashah Sh'mini

Laurel Fisher
The Shema, Judaism’s most essential prayer, begins with the words “Hear O’ Israel.” Daily, we are commanded not to speak but to listen. I believe that this call to understanding also asks to be silent in order to hear God’s voice.  This week’s Torah portion, Parashah Sh'mini, opens with the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests (Lev 9:1-10:3). Aaron is proud of his children, and this is a moment of great joy and celebration.