Lillian Silver, WRJ Vice President of Philanthropy, Women of Temple Beth Hillel, Valley Village, CA

Lillian Silver 2023 headshot
VP of Philanthropy
Women of Reform Judaism

Gratitude: A Year in Review and What’s Ahead for Our Future

Lillian Silver, WRJ Vice President of Philanthropy, Women of Temple Beth Hillel, Valley Village, CA
We wake every morning and pray, Modeh ani le-fa-necha, with gratitude and joy, thanking G-d for allowing us to open our eyes and embrace this new day. Traditionally, we are to find 100 things a day to recognize and be grateful. During this last year, I began a journal to help me recognize and thank G-d for special people, actions, places, and feelings that fill my soul and for which I am eternally grateful.

Sisterhood Shabbat

Lillian Silver, WRJ Vice President of Philanthropy, Women of Temple Beth Hillel, Valley Village, CA
REST. After a busy six days of work, Shabbat gives us the chance to step back. To breathe. To reflect on our efforts. It is an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments, connect with our community, and rejuvenate our souls.