Marilyn Morrison

Marilyn Morrison

Marilyn Morrison, CWIC, WISA, CAE of Temple B’nai Shalom in Fairfax Station, VA, is the immediate Past President of WRJ Mid-Atlantic District, a WRJ North America Board Member, and North American Philanthropy Committee member. She is also a past Sisterhood President. 

Marilyn Morrison: A WRJ Leadership Spotlight

Marilyn Morrison
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be District President, but WRJ gave me the confidence and knowledge to move forward. That confidence has profoundly shaped other areas of my life, from my professional life to my recreational life. I made a big career move last year, one I am sure I would not have made without the leadership skills formed in WRJ.

Parashah Lech L'cha

Marilyn Morrison
Abraham’s journey and our quest to know ourselves are the same. In truth, it’s not a journey we take only in our formative years as teens or young professionals; it’s a journey we take time and time again. We are always on that journey.

Voices of WRJ - Bo

Marilyn Morrison

In our Torah portion this Shabbat, Parashah Bo, we encounter the final plagues God brings upon Pharaoh. Each successive plague becomes more severe and debilitating. And as the plagues become worse, Pharaoh becomes more stubborn. With blood, frogs, lice

WRJ Voices: Lech L'cha

Marilyn Morrison

The Hebrew translation of this week’s Parashah Lech Lecha (Genesis 12-17) is literally "go for you."

Ten generations had passed since the death of Noah. The world had once again begun to worship all sorts of idols and held complete contempt for any monotheist