Pat Blum

Pat Blum

Pat Blum is a past WRJ Board Member, a past president of the Southwest District and a past president of the Temple Emanuel Sisterhood in McAllen, Texas. She was also the recent co-chair of WRJ’s Online Auction.

Parashat T’rumah

Pat Blum
This parashah tells us that the gifts that the Israelites brought to Moses were freewill offerings. This kind of giving does not come from guilt, coercion, or competition but from the heart. It is important for us to continue to make freewill offerings to help sustain our Jewish community. We bring the realm of the holy into our lives when we bring our voluntary gifts of money, time, and monetary resources. When we give of ourselves, we strengthen ourselves as Jews and exemplify our Jewish commitment to make the world a better place for everyone. 

WRJ Voices: Vayikra

Pat Blum

In parashah Vayikra, we learn about the sacrifices the Israelites need to make for God. We learn that animal sacrifice is a way to approach and to be near God.

Hineni: We are Here to Stand up for Immigrants

Pat Blum

As a resident of McAllen, Texas, for more than 40 years of my life, I know what value immigrants bring to our community. Thousands of people cross our borders every year, enhancing our quality of life.

Voices of WRJ: Parashat Va-et'chanan

Pat Blum

This week, Parashat Va-et’chanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) gives us the foundation for living a Jewish life by presenting text and images that remain the nucleus for our Judaism to this very day. It begins with Moses asking our ancestors to reflect on their past experiences and learn from them. Moses stresses to his people and their leaders the importance of keeping God's commandments when they enter the Promised Land. The Ten Commandments, the Sh'ma, and the V'ahavta—the center of the Jewish proclamation of faith—are included in this text. Playing the role of teacher, Moses reminds our ancestors of the great things God has done for them in the past and that they, as well as their children and grandchildren, are responsible for continuing to obey God’s laws. Education and the responsibility of women to raise and educate the next generation in ancient Israel are emphasized in this Torah portion.