Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein serves Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, VA and teaches Introduction to Judaism courses for the Union for Reform Judaism in the Washington, D.C. area. She wrote some of the study guides for The Torah: A Women’s Commentary.

Parashat B’midbar

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Parashat B’midbar Study Guide Themes Theme 1: Making it Count Theme 2: If Elected, We Will Serve—Making the Levites Count INTRODUCTION Parashat B’midbar, the first Torah portion in the book of Numbers, describes the Israelites’ forty-year journey from Mount Sinai to the steppes of Moab—the people’s last stop before entering

Parashat B’har

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Parashat B’har Study Guide Themes Theme 1: Balancing Need and Obligation—Sabbatical Laws for the Land Theme 2: Balancing the Economic Scale—Laws Protecting the People from Poverty INTRODUCTION Parashat B’har contains laws that establish a sabbath for the land every seventh year, as well as a sabbath for the land in

Parashat Emor

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Parashat Emor Study Guide Themes Theme 1: Keeping them Holy—Regulations for the Priests Theme 2: Holiness in Sacred Times INTRODUCTION Parashat Emor is part of the Holiness Code, a group of laws authored by reform-minded priests.

Parashat K’doshim

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Parashat K’doshim Study Guide Themes Theme 1: Bringing Holiness into Everyday Life Theme 2: Bringing Holiness into the Home INTRODUCTION The word k’doshim (“holy”), which is the title of this parashah, is found in various forms fifty-nine times in Leviticus 17–26.

Parashat M’tzora

D'Var Torah By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein

Parashat M’tzora Study Guide Themes Theme 1: Healing the Individual to Keep the Community Whole Theme 2: Maintaining Ritual Purity through the Laws of Menstruation INTRODUCTION Parashat M’tzora is the second of two sections in Leviticus that deal with the laws of ritual impurity.