Susan Pittelman

woman with chin-length brown hair, red long-sleeve top, and black necklace smiling

Susan Pittelman conducted research in reading and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin for more than 25 years before creating the second-largest publishing company in Wisconsin. A Past President of WRJ District 18, Susan has served as a WRJ Vice President of Development and Special Projects, and as WRJ Secretary. Susan lived in Wisconsin for more than forty years and now lives in Naples, Florida, where she serves as an Area Director for WRJ Southeast District. Susan belongs to both Congregation Shalom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and to Temple Shalom in Naples, Florida. She is a longtime member of WRJ’s Chai Society. 

Heart to Heart & Face to Face

Susan Pittelman

I was excited when I learned that WRJ Heartland District was planning a gathering in Cincinnati. I have had three memorable WRJ-related trips to Cincinnati — and each one was special.  

The first trip was in March 2006. I was president of WRJ District 18 (which