Related Blog Posts on Jewish Life Around the World and Travel

Forging Futures: My Visit to Poland

Rena Crawford

Earlier this fall, I had the privilege of spending a week in Poland. This week was filled with opportunities, living and learning, relationship-building, eye-opening sights and situations, and activism in action.

I was fortunate to be one of six Americans and

The Name I Embrace

Eszter Spitzer

You won't get far in life with this Jewish surname - said the boss. "Find a more Hungarian-sounding one and if you work hard, you will achieve, get ahead. Look, you are a good and reliable employee, I don't want to lose you. But people talk and I am constantly

The Power of "Why Not?"

Gili, Women of the Wall

As a teenager, I thought I knew everything. Like most people at that age, I believed I had life figured out—fashion, politics, music, religion; you name it, I had my opinions, and I was pretty confident in them.

When my senior year of high school rolled around