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On A Roll - Hitting YES Fund Goals!

Deb Lelchuk, WRJ Board Member

By definition, an honor roll is a list of the names of people who are celebrated for something they have done, such as doing very well in a sport or in school. For example, if you study hard, you can make your school’s honor roll.

Honor roll in WRJ world has a

A Supportive Environment for a Creative 12-Year-Old Cosplayer

Lisa Gottman

Our Sci-Tech Academy journey began in Spring 2021. Our temple held a Zoom meeting with numerous URJ camps and congregants to get to know each other. We were early to login, as was JD Mallindine. JD immediately recognized Rita’s background as a character from a

The Power of "Why Not?"

Gili, Women of the Wall

As a teenager, I thought I knew everything. Like most people at that age, I believed I had life figured out—fashion, politics, music, religion; you name it, I had my opinions, and I was pretty confident in them.

When my senior year of high school rolled around

The Value of Diversity for Jewish Youth

Aimée Brown-Borges

For Jewish teens of Color, navigating Judaism and racial identity can be a complex and isolating experience. Growing up as a Jewish person of Color, I have often felt like an outsider in Jewish spaces, surrounded by individuals who shared a fundamental aspect

YES Fund Grantee Spotlight: ish

YES fund recipient

ish is a Cincinnati-based community engagement organization centering Jewish arts and cultural traditions as a platform for connecting artists with communities to create new experiences, inspire pride in Jewish and intersectional identity, and foster

Starting a Lifeline for the Future of the Jewish People

Rachel Gebeloff

I once was proud to call myself a member of Gen-Z. I thought I belonged to a generation who stood for intersectionality in our advocacy and feminism. This all changed when the world flipped upside down for Jewish people on October 7. Witnessing some of my

Supreme Court Oral Arguments: The Stakes for Reproductive Health Care

Rachel Landis

This past Tuesday, March 26, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, a case that could determine the future of access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare. Mifepristone is one of two medications commonly

A “Helluva Engineer” Inspiring Girls to Enter the Field of STEM

Blair Marks

I’m an engineer….well, actually “a helluva engineer” as the Georgia Tech fight song goes. When I enrolled, the freshman class was less than 15% women, and depending on the specific engineering major, it could have been even lower. One of my professors once

Supporting WRJ's YES Fund

Trina Novak

“You must always be able to predict what's next and then have the flexibility to evolve.” Marc Benioff

I joined my sisterhood and the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, now Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), primarily to form connections with other like

The Future of Medication Abortion in the United States

Rachel Landis

On December 13, 2023, the Supreme Court decided to hear a case that will determine the future of access to reproductive healthcare in the United States: U.S. Food and Drug Administration et al, v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al.

Mifepristone (often