WRJ: Today & Tomorrow

Sisterhood, Spirituality and Social Good
December 8, 2020Carol Newman

WRJ has been a big part of my life for 36 years. When I became a member of Women of Temple Solel in Bowie, Maryland, I became an active member and took on (sisterhood) leadership positions, including president and treasurer. After I retired, I attended Mid-Atlantic District events, expanded my circle of friends, and became a district board member where I have served as treasurer and now as Marketing and Communications Vice President.

In 2017, I attended the Fried Women’s Conference in Charleston and was asked to apply to the North American Board. A year later, I was installed in Nashville and widened my circle even more to include the amazing women I have come to know today through workshops, committee assignments, and virtual gatherings. These virtual gatherings helped to soften the blow of COVID-19 by giving me opportunities to share books, films, recipes, and laughs in a way that might not have occurred if we were only together once a year. I even had the chance to explore Israel twice on the YES Fund virtual tours.

When I think about how WRJ has changed my life spiritually, I remember attending Friday night services while attending the WRJ Assembly in Orlando in 2015. Worshipping and dancing in the aisles with so many others was incredibly uplifting. I always look forward to the opportunity to worship with my sisters at a WRJ event be it local, district, or North American. Virtual Havdalah services on Zoom have allowed us to sing aloud and pray together as long as we are on mute. 

When I consider social good, I think about the many opportunities that WRJ has given me to learn about tikkun olam. The philanthropic impact of the YES Fund brought me to tears as I watched a video of the students at the Leo Baeck Education Center in Haifa. They thanked us for the emergency grant they received to help with distance learning during this pandemic.

As my board term comes to an end, I cannot help but feel sad about missed opportunities to bond in person in Phoenix and New Orleans. I look forward to joining the Chai Society and making more meaningful memories.


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