The WRJ Speakers Bureau offers an opportunity to bring a dynamic, experienced WRJ leader to your sisterhood, women’s group, or district. Our speakers can discuss various topics with your group, including, but not limited to, leadership development, advocacy, WRJ history and priorities, and fundraising.
We encourage you to take advantage of this program, which aims to help develop leadership skills, provide education, and bring spirituality to your local community. Right now, our visits are all virtual. Once we can gather again, you can request a speaker to visit in person, often participating in multiple events during a weekend. Sisterhoods in good standing with both WRJ and their WRJ District are qualified to have a WRJ North American Representative visit for no charge once every two years.
Speakers Bureau engagements are scheduled based on availability and all requests must be submitted at least two months in advance of your requested date. Requests must be submitted via the WRJ Speakers Bureau Request Form.
Request a Speaker: Digital Sisterhood Event
Request a Speaker: In-Person Sisterhood Event
Request a Speaker: District Event
- Who is a District Speaker?
She is usually a member of the district board of directors. - What expenses does the local Sisterhood incur by having her?
The expense is minimal. Treat her as you would a guest in your home. Assist her in making transportation connections if she is not driving. The District pays all other costs. If she prefers staying at a hotel, assist in those arrangements. - What will she speak about?
She may speak about any subject pertaining to sisterhood activities. She may participate in the installation of officers, in Sisterhood Shabbat, or may conduct a Leadership Workshop. It is advisable to utilize her services at a Board meeting specially scheduled, if possible, at the time of her visit for other purposes. - How often is a District Speaker available to a local Sisterhood?
Just as with Women of Reform Judaism, the District can only honor one request per sisterhood on alternate years. This allows every sisterhood to either a WRJ speaker or a district speaker each year. - How is a District Speaker requested?
Speaker Request Form
- How is a District Speaker honored?
A voluntary contribution to a WRJ Mid-Atlantic District Scholarship Fund, in honor of the speaker is recommended.
The District Scholarship Fund
This provides funds to women, both sisterhood members and individual members of Women of Reform Judaism, to attend the District Convention.
Who can receive the Mid-Atlantic Convention Scholarships?
Sisterhood members
The sisterhood/women’s groups must be in good standing with WRJ and the District.
Any Sisterhood member who has not attended a previous convention.
Individual WRJ members
The member must be in good standing with WRJ.
The member must reside within the Mid-Atlantic District.
The member must never have attended a district convention.
Who can receive the Mid-Atlantic District Camp Scholarship?
The Scholarship Fund provides money for youth to attend Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) camps. The child must reside within the Mid-Atlantic District. A member of the child’s immediate family must be affiliated with the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District.
For more information, contact Marilyn Morrison, Scholarship Fund Chair at