New York Area Event – January 30, 2016
Interfaith Families: Expanding Our Tents
Lynbrook, New York
This area event was attended by 65 women who were treated to a delicious lunch and idea exchange, followed by a lively panel discussion and question and answer period. Our panelists included Natalie Berhumoglu, Lucille Karp, Carmen Holzman, and Moderator Barbara Stern.
Northeast District Area Event – October 25, 2015
Jews on the Chocolate Trail
Scarsdale, New York
At this area event, Northeast sisters enjoyed a stimulating talk by Rabbi Deborah Prinz, author of "Jews on the Chocolate Trail," that highlighted the connection between Jews, religion, and chocolate.
New England Area Event – March 7, 2015
A Lifetime of Sisterhood – All Ages, All Stages
Newton, Massachusetts
Seven feet of snow couldn't keep 34 women from attending the MA/RI Area Day at Temple Shalom in Newton, MA, on Saturday, March 7. The enthusiastic group came full of ideas, questions, and concerns, eager to share and learn about the goings-on with other sisterhoods.
The day started with a lively, interactive Torah study led by Temple Shalom’s Rabbi Allison Berry. Lunch conversations focused on membership, programming, social action, and leadership.
The highlight of the day was the panel discussion with a moderator and four women ranging from ages 35 to 70 sharing how and why WRJ has been such an important part of their lives. The panel included a woman with a toddler, a single woman "of a certain age,” a busy lawyer with high school- and college-aged children, and a grandmother of six.
Programming ideas, fundraising, sisterhood politics, and more were discussed with many heads nodding in agreement. Attending were chapters ranging from 20 to 300 members, and it was amazing how similar their issues were!
Many attendees suggested we keep the dialogue going between chapters and hoped we could meet informally from time to time.
We knew the day was a huge success when the custodian very politely asked us to move into the hall so he could set up for the next event!
Northern Area Event – October 26‑27, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
On a rainy Saturday, three sisterhoods in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, hosted their Northern Area Event at Temple Sinai. The committee consisted of women from Holy Blossom, Har Zion, and Temple Sinai. Over 65 women joined together to learn from women who have made a difference, moderated by Rabbi Teri Appleby of Holy Blossom. Later, we split into groups to study and talk about women in the Bible with noted rabbis and educators in the area. CONTINUE READING
Massachusetts/Rhode Island Area Day – March 16, 2013
The day began with Torah Study. Five women from the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Shalom – June Atkind, Aimee Bierman, Lisa Channen, Randi Lite, and Sharon Salinger, who had been prepared by Rabbi Michele Lenke – ably led small groups of participants in study of the weekly Parashah. Next, we gathered in the Community Room for lunch and a workshop. Following opening remarks by WRJ Northeast District President Robin Sobol, everyone settled down to lunch and table discussions.
WRJ Board Member Katie Roeper then presented her workshop, "Sisterhood is Like a Box of Chocolates," which was well-received. Katie covered key points on how to evaluate and strategically market individual sisterhoods. Included were examples of how to assess potential, how to identify one's audience, how to entice women to join, and how to package sisterhood as a product.
Several women worked behind the scenes to help with the many aspects involved in planning this day. We are grateful to them all. Special thanks to three of our WRJ Northeast District area directors – Paulette Black, Marsha Byrnes, and Sally Huebscher – who worked diligently planning out the logistics to make this Area Day a success. Marsha Byrnes kept track of registration, produced name tags, and produced folder stickers; Paulette Black made contact with the caterer and helped with initial publicity; and Sally Huebscher added creative flair, and produced the wonderful centerpieces and the yummy giveaways. All three came up with a creative way to set up the space to accommodate all our participants. Also, many thanks to Marsha Moller, first vice president of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Shalom, who was inspired by listening to Katie Roeper speak at the last WRJ Assembly, and who contacted and worked with Katie to bring her program to all of us.