Scholarship Funds

Scholarship Criteria and Application

Support Our Sisterhoods (SOS) Fund 

The SOS Fund is available to help those who need financial support to attend any event or for sisterhood/women's group dues relief.


First-time Attendee Scholarship Fund 

The First-time Attendee Scholarship is available to help Sisterhoods/Women's Groups send first-time attendees to a Southwest District event.

On November 6, 2020, WRJ Southwest District announced the creation of the Soozi Waxman Camp Scholarship Fund, in memory of our beloved, long-time member and VP of Development (2018-2020), Soozi Waxman. For more information, contact Pat Blum at Some of the highlights of the Camp Scholarship are:

  • $1,000 Scholarship to one camper (male or female) per year attending
  • Eligible if attending Henry S. Jacobs Camp, Greene Family Camp or Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) 
  • Applicant must have parent/guardian affiliated with WRJ Southwest District
  • Applicant must attend a full session
  • Applications must be received by January 31st and will receive notification by February 15th
  • Donations may be made on the WRJ Southwest District website, 'DONOR' button

Click HERE to apply for the Soozi Waxman Camp Scholarship