Discuss thought-provoking articles from Lilith Magazine at WRJ’s Lilith Salons. These meetings bring stimulating discussions about timely Jewish and feminist issues to sisterhoods worldwide so members can learn about new topics, understand different perspectives, and engage in lively conversations. WRJ will provide complimentary background articles, prompts, and discussion questions to Salon leaders.
WRJ Lilith Salons bring stimulating discussion about timely Jewish and feminist issues to sisterhoods worldwide so members can learn about new topics, understand different perspectives, and engage in lively conversations. These Salons are comprised of sisterhood women who meet four times a year to converse about thought-provoking articles from the quarterly Lilith Magazine, utilizing WRJ-provided complimentary background articles, prompts, and discussion questions.
Since 2006, the WRJ Lilith Salons program has grown to include dozens of sisterhoods across the U.S. and Canada. Participants of these sisterhood Salons speak highly of their experiences. Many people have repeatedly mentioned that it’s a pivotal way to involve congregational women who have never previously attended a sisterhood program.
How to Start a WRJ Lilith Salon
- Recruit women to sign-up for your Salon. Salon participants must be a member of a WRJ-affiliated sisterhood.
- Appoint a Salon leader or facilitator from among the participants. Have all participants complete the Lilith Salon Subscription Form (even if they are already subscribers). The special WRJ reduced rate for a one-year subscription in the U.S. is $21.97; outside of the U.S., it is $21.97 + $13 for shipping.
- Subscription payments are processed directly through Lilith Magazine. In addition to filling out our subscription form above, please complete your subscription on the Lilith website.
- We ask new subscribers through WRJ Salons to support Lilith in this challenging period by paying the regular introductory price for one year of $24 instead of $21.97—an additional $2.03. Once you complete your subscription, please email WRJ Program Associate Talia Blank at tblank@wrj.org and Lilith at info@lilith.org.
How to Run a WRJ Lilith Salon
- Upon receipt of your sisterhood’s subscriptions, WRJ will send the Salon leader/facilitator guidelines for running a Salon. This includes parameters for when to schedule your quarterly Salons (Note: Please allow at least six weeks from subscription submission to hold the first Salon).
- For each quarterly issue, WRJ will email the Salon leader/facilitator complimentary background articles and discussion questions to start the conversation.
To request the updated promo code for subscription, complimentary sample issues, and discussion materials, or to learn more, please contact WRJ Program Associate, Talia Blank at tblank@wrj.org.