Social Justice

Parashat Pinchas

Michelle Rosen
As we read this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Pinchas, we are reminded that women have always needed to assert themselves to be treated equally. The five daughters in this parashah decided to stand up for their beliefs, challenge tradition, and suggest the creation of a more impartial law. It is extremely important to note that only a few women are named in the Torah, and each of these five sisters had a name. They are Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. We should also mention that in the Bible, these five daughters appear on three different occasions (Numbers 27 and 36 and Joshua 17). Each time they are together, it denotes not only their importance but likewise the importance of ‘sisterhood.’

The Facts About Abortion

Rabbi Marla J. Feldman
FACT: Life begins at birth. FACT: Until birth, the fetus is part of the mother. FACT: The life and well-being of the mother will always take precedence over the fetus until the point at which the fetus's head fully emerges from the womb, and it becomes a living baby. These are the facts as I believe them to be, based on my faith, tradition, and understanding of Jewish law. While I understand that some people may hold different religious views, they are not binding on me. Until now.

Reproductive Rights Resolutions & Statements

Resolutions & Statements * Statements are noted with an asterisk April 2023 - Reform Movement Leaders Denounce Ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine vs. U.S. FDA January 2023: WRJ Statement on the 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade June 2022: Reform Movement Leaders Denounce the SCOTUS Decision in Dobbs v