
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah at Camp Coleman

Kristen Sostrom

Traditionally, several women have their B’not Mitzvah at the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) Southeast (SE) District Fall Kallah at Camp Coleman amidst all of God’s splendor and with the support of all their “sisters.” This year, I was one of them.  

The process

We All Stood Together

Merle Feld

My brother and I were at Sinai

He kept a journal

of what he saw, 

of what he heard,

of what it all meant to him.


I wish I had such a record 

of what happened to me there

It seems like every time I want to write

I can't —

I'm always holding a baby,

The Torah: A Women's Commentary

Check out this WRJ commissioned the work of the world's leading Jewish female Bible scholars, rabbis, cantors, theologians, and others which resulted in the first comprehensive Torah commentary to be authored only by women. Torah Commentaries can also be found here.