Voices of WRJ

This weekly blog series, published on Fridays, features insights from WRJ leaders on the Torah portions from a women's perspective. Enhance your Torah learning and understanding by adding Voices to your reading list.

Embracing Judaism in High School

Abigail Streger

My hands now fidget with my hostage dog tag, cool metal against burning skin, reminding me that this twisted reality is far more than a satirical nightmare. I will never be able to return to the innocent naïveté that existed before October 7, 2023. Black and

Parashat Yom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanah

During the High Holidays, my thoughts turn to the special blessings, prayers, and melodies that shape our journey from Selichot to Rosh HaShanah to the final shofar blast on Yom Kippur.

Many of our prayers in the High Holiday liturgy are written in the plural

Cultivating a Culture of Accountability and Belonging

Sara B. Charney
Amanda Feldman

And, we’re off! Many of us have worked over the summer with friends and colleagues to set the calendar for the year ahead, including meetings, events, and other opportunities for gathering. September is here and with the joy and anticipation of Tishrei around

My Journey from Altar-Girl to Cantorial Soloist

Kyra Goldman

I was born a Goldman, and always knew I was Jewish on my dad’s side. Although my whole family was spiritual in their own way, the Jewish side of my family didn’t have warm feelings towards religion, and the only thing  passed down to me was the Jewish humor


Parashat D'varim

Judy Wexler

Recently, I was bicycling with my husband, and we looked up to see a flock of birds sailing across the sky in formation. My husband asked, “How do you think they decide who gets to be the leader?” How wonderful to consider that one of the birds “gets” to be