Voices of WRJ

This weekly blog series, published on Fridays, features insights from WRJ leaders on the Torah portions from a women's perspective. Enhance your Torah learning and understanding by adding Voices to your reading list.

Voices of WRJ: Tol’dot

Hilda R. Glazer

This week we continue the story of a family, but this week is a woman’s story that raises some important ideas for us to consider. In Tol’dot (Genesis 25:19-28:9), we are reintroduced to Rebekah. This portion focuses on her relationships: her relationship to God, her relationship to her husband Isaac, and her relationship to her twins.

Voices of WRJ: Chayei Sarah

Linda O. Ferguson

This March, I went on the WRJ Centennial Trip to Israel and Berlin with more than two dozen WRJ women from around North America. Some of these women I had met at District conventions, others at Assembly 2011, and  some at my first WRJ Board meeting.

Voices of WRJ: Vayeira

by Laurel Burch Fisher Standing at the entrance of our tent Four sides open to welcome the stranger and embrace the returning friend ready to visit those who are sick and to comfort those who are lost Sisters can heal the world and become holy In the opening scene of Parashat Vayeira, it is the hottest part of the day and an aging Abraham sits at the entrance of his tent recovering from his recent circumcision. Looking up, he sees three strangers approach and immediately he drops everything and rushes to greet them, bowing low to the ground. Begging them to stay, Abraham offers to feed and care for them, promising a modest meal but providing a lavish feast.

Voices of WRJ: Lech L’cha

Karen S. Sim

This week’s parashah, Lech L’cha, translated as “Go Forth,” is virtually a watchword of our faith. It is one of the most familiar chapters of the Bible. The Debbie Friedman song inspired by this parashah, L’chi Lach, is sung at sisterhood services and in my memory, at every WRJ District meeting and WRJ event I have ever attended. The parashah begins with these most famous words: God said to Abram, “Go forth from your father’s land, your birthplace, your father’s house, to the land that I will show you, I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you:  I will make your name great, and it shall be a blessing. (Genesis 12:1 – 12:2)

Voices of WRJ: Noach

Blair C. Marks

Having grown up in Atlanta, I found that Shabbat services in Fort Smith, AR, in the early 2000s were a completely different experience than anything I’d previously known. United Hebrew Congregation (UHC), once home to more than 100 families when my husband was growing up there, had dwindled to a small fraction of that. Services were held in the library/study because the group would have been lost in the sanctuary. Barely a minyan attended; services were led by one of the congregants and music was provided using recordings on a boom box. But the joy of Shabbat and spirit of community were strong, with the Oneg Shabbat doubling as a pot luck dinner and providing an opportunity for everyone to catch up and share the latest in their lives. There was no longer an active sisterhood, although it was remembered fondly as having been a vital arm of the congregation… and my mother-in-law, Isabel Marks, z”l, continued to use the WRJ Art Calendar as her primary means of organization and connection to WRJ long after the sisterhood had disbanded.