Voices of WRJ

This weekly blog series, published on Fridays, features insights from WRJ leaders on the Torah portions from a women's perspective. Enhance your Torah learning and understanding by adding Voices to your reading list.

Parashah Korach

Debra Goetz, WRJ North American Board Member, Temple Emanuel, McAllen, TX


There is something a bit disturbing about reading a Torah portion with insurrections and plague in 2021. Parashah Korach (Numbers 16:1 – 18:32) contains two different rebellion- Korah’s challenge to Aaron’s leadership of the priesthood and Dathan and Abiram

Voices of WRJ - B'midbar

Luisa Narins, WRJ Board Member and Individual Member

In mid-March, I was part of the WRJ Legislative Body Meeting, where we affirmed resolutions and approved changes to the WRJ Constitution.

Voices of WRJ - B'har - B'chukotai

Deb Radin, Temple Beth Am Los Altos Hills, CA

“And the land shall not be sold irreversibly, for Mine is the land, for you are sojourning settlers with Me.” [Lev. 25:23]

The Book of Leviticus concludes with Parashah B'har-B’chukotai.

Voices of WRJ - Emor

Rozan Anderson



Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23) is of special significance to me this year since it was my twin daughters’ b’not mitzvah parashah 20 years ago this week. I also realized that as I approached my 65th birthday in June, this is the fifth anniversary (times

Voices - Parashah Tzav

Trina Novak WRJ Northeast District Immediate Past President

In The Torah: A Women’s Commentary, Nancy Fuchs Kreimer points out that one way women could participate in drawing closer to God was via the system of complex laws and rituals around preparing and eating food. For instance, when preparing braided bread for Shabbat, we take a small piece of dough called the challah, then burn it, representing the showbreads sacrificed at the temple. Now, we are pulling out our family recipes and preparing our homes for Pesach, a holiday celebrated with the ritual of seder, or order.

Due to COVID precautions, the days often seem to blend into one another. To combat disorder, I ritually use my calendar feature and program reminders on my phone to keep my daily routines going. In addition, I have chosen to add action items to my checklist that not only have intention, but also impact and meaning, as a way of practicing my Korban, or a way of drawing closer to God.