YES Fund Grantee Spotlight: ish

YES fund recipient

ish is a Cincinnati-based community engagement organization centering Jewish arts and cultural traditions as a platform for connecting artists with communities to create new experiences, inspire pride in Jewish and intersectional identity, and foster

Starting a Lifeline for the Future of the Jewish People

Rachel Gebeloff

I once was proud to call myself a member of Gen-Z. I thought I belonged to a generation who stood for intersectionality in our advocacy and feminism. This all changed when the world flipped upside down for Jewish people on October 7. Witnessing some of my

Supporting WRJ's YES Fund

Trina Novak

“You must always be able to predict what's next and then have the flexibility to evolve.” Marc Benioff

I joined my sisterhood and the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, now Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), primarily to form connections with other like