
Take a Census

Numbers 4:21−7:89

When Is Naso Read?

/ 11 Sivan 5785
/ 9 Sivan 5788
/ 12 Sivan 5789


  • A census of the Gershonites, Merarites, and Koathites between the ages of thirty and fifty is conducted and their duties in the Tabernacle are detailed. (4:21-49)
  • God speaks to Moses concerning what to do with ritually unclean people, repentant individuals, and those who are suspected of adultery. (5:1-31)
  • The obligations of a nazirite vow are explained. They include abstaining from alcohol and not cutting one's hair. (6:1-21)
  • God tells Moses how to teach Aaron and his sons the Priestly Blessing. (6:22-27)
  • Moses consecrates the Sanctuary, and the tribal chieftains bring offerings. Moses then speaks with God inside the Tent of Meeting. (7:1-89)

NOTE: Sometimes Parashat Naso is separated into Naso I and Naso II as follows:

Naso I (Numbers 4:21-5:31)
Naso II (Numbers 6:1-7:89)

Ten Minutes of Torah: Naso Commentary

Parashat Naso

Parashat Naso Study Guide Themes


Theme 1: The Ordeal of the Woman Accused of Adultery (the Sotah)

Theme 2: Maintaining Community Sanctity through Religious Leaders

Theme 3: Women, Men, and Communal Impurity



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Learn More About Parashat Naso with BimBam

Parshat Naso: What the Torah Says About Healthy Marriages

One of the oddest, most thorny episodes in the Bible involves a man who suspects his wife of adultery. Inbal Freund-Novick, an Israeli activist for women's rights, tells the difficult tale of the accused wife in Parashat Naso. Hard to believe this stuff is in the Torah, but it's undeniably fascinating. Enjoy this video and others with BimBam.

Listen to Podcasts About Naso

Rabbi Rick Jacobs