Whereas, the United States was founded upon the Judeo-Christian premise of liberty and justice for all men; and
Whereas, we would share the ideals of American democracy with the whole world; and
Whereas, discrimination in the field of employment on the basis of race, creed and national origin exists in violation of these honored principles,
Therefore, be it resolved, that the 18th Biennial Assembly of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods in Convention assembled in Cleveland, Ohio, on November 12-15, 1950, advocates on behalf of the NFTS units located in the United States, passage of legislation to set up fair employment practices, and commissions at local, state and national levels, these to assure equality of opportunity in employment based solely on merit, and furthermore,
Whereas, the President’s Committee on Civil Rights established in 1947 appealed to the conscience of the American people by presenting a proposal for the correction of injustice and of racial discrimination in American practices, and
Whereas, the challenge of segregation and other forms of injustice have been only partially eradicated from the American community,
Therefore, be it resolved, that the NFTS 18th Biennial, on behalf of its units located in the United States, calls upon the Congress of the United States to establish a Federal Commission on Civil Rights, that it create a civil rights division in the Department of Justice and that it strengthen the provisions of the Criminal Code which deal with the violation of human rights, and furthermore,
Whereas, the menace of Communism has created a spirit of hysteria in many quarters of the United States,
​Therefore, be it resolved, that the Bill of Rights and other American institutions shall be maintained intact during these critical years as they have been at all times.