Immigration Bill (A Most Important Resolution of Our First 100 Years)

Whereas, The Immigration Bill now before the President of the United States of America for his signature provides that a literacy test be applied to all immigrants entering the United States; and 

Whereas, We consider this literacy test and other restrictions on immigration which the bill contains, unjust and opposed to American standards of righteousness and democracy; and

Whereas, We believe that these restrictions will close the gates of our beloved country to worthy and desirable immigrants and will not exclude undesirables; therefore

Be it resolved, That we, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods in a convention assembled at Chicago, Illinois, representing 15,000 Jewish women of the United States, do hereby protest, in the name of a common humanity, against the said Immigration Bill and respectfully urge the President of the United States to veto it; and

Be it further resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded at once to His Excellency, the President of the United States.