The Eighth [Day]
Leviticus 9:1-11:47
When Is Sh'mini Read?
/ 28 Nisan 5785
/ 24 Nisan 5786
/ 25 Adar II 5787
- Aaron and his sons follow Moses' instructions and offer sacrifices so that God will forgive the people. (9:1-24)
- Two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offer "alien fire" to God. God punishes these two priests by killing them immediately. (10:1-3)
- God forbids Moses, Aaron, and his surviving sons from mourning but commands the rest of the people to do so. Priests are told not to drink alcohol before entering the sacred Tabernacle and are further instructed about making sacrifices. (10:4-20)
- Laws are given to distinguish between pure and impure animals, birds, fish, and insects. (11:1-47)
Video: Learn About Parashat Sh'mini with BimBam
Sh'mini: The Kosher Animal Song
Listen to Podcasts About Parashat Sh'mini
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Sh'mini in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.
The Dangers and the Neccessity of Innovation
Ten Minutes of Torah: Sh'mini Commentary
Parashat Sh’mini
By: Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein
Parashat Sh’mini Study Guide Themes
Theme 1: Strange Brew—The Dangers of Playing with Fire
Theme 2: You Are What You Eat and What Touches Your Possessions —Laws of Diet and Purity