Related Blog Posts on Rosh HaShanah

Parashat Yom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanah

During the High Holidays, my thoughts turn to the special blessings, prayers, and melodies that shape our journey from Selichot to Rosh HaShanah to the final shofar blast on Yom Kippur.

Many of our prayers in the High Holiday liturgy are written in the plural

A High Holiday Message from Sara B. Charney

Sara B. Charney
In preparation for the High Holy Days, during the month of Elul, we take stock, reflect, and engage in an accounting of the soul, cheshbon hanefesh. Other customs during Elul include the daily recitation of Psalm 27, making amends with others, the sounding of the shofar, and giving tzedakah...Inspired by the clarion call of the shofar, WRJ empowers women around the globe to stand up for justice, take on increased leadership roles, and use their platforms and voices to make a difference. There is so much going on, and you always have a home with your WRJ sisters.

Improving in the New Year

Blair C. Marks
Will you do the same things you did last year or will you add something new and different? “Keeping it fresh” leads to vitality, increased membership, a deeper volunteer pool, and well-attended programming. Even when we have a program every year, like a YES Fund event, we should find ways to introduce new dimensions. This could be a different venue, different theme, different program, or a different way to recognize an honoree. Take a road trip. Have a picnic. Host a traditional tea. Go to a football or hockey game. When I was in Girl Scouts, I learned the simple song sung in a round: “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver, and the other is gold.” I think the same principle can apply to everything we do: add new and innovative ideas while at the same time keeping the core of what has made us successful so far.