
About WRJ Spirituality

WRJ inspires spiritual growth by enriching contemporary life with Jewish rituals, traditions, culture, and opportunities for lifelong learning. 

Jewish Teachings, Holidays, and Traditions

Torah Study

WRJ has always advocated for equal rights for women in Jewish learning and worship, bringing a unique, feminist perspective to Reform Jewish study and providing resources from which to learn and pray. In this section, you will find our Divrei Torah, Torah study guides, and so much more!

Jewish Holidays

Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!) There are customs, biblical references, and programs related to each Jewish holiday based on the Jewish calendar and occur throughout the year. Learn it all here! From Rosh Hashanah to Passover, we have you covered with everything you need to celebrate our holidays

Food & Recipes

Food is central to Jewish custom and observance. The WRJ Cookbook Collection houses more than 327 cookbooks from different sisterhoods. The cookbooks reflect the sisterhood, the times, and the culture of congregations. They also offer insights into the women who share their recipes.

Voices of WRJ

Parashat Matot-Mas’ei

As part of a sisterhood/women’s group, we achieve consensus, agree to accept a decision, and move forward. Maybe the deliberations are difficult. But, these challenging conversations allow for the betterment of the group. We accept the imperfect and agree to amend when needed. These five courageous sisters in this parashah provide an example of women united in sisterhood. It takes courage to state one’s position. It takes compromise to reach a consensus. It takes skill and willpower to keep looking forward.

This Week's Torah Portion

This Week's Torah Portion

I (God) Appeared [to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob]

God spoke to Moses and said to him, "I am the Eternal." - Exodus 6:2


Exodus 6:2−9:35


Ezekiel 28:25-29:21


/ 25 Tevet 5785

Next Week's Torah Portion