Torah Study

WRJ is pleased to offer many ways to study Torah, including our weekly D'var Torah entitled, Voices of WRJ on our blog. 

WRJ has always advocated for equal rights for women in Jewish learning and worship, bringing a unique, feminist perspective to Reform Jewish study and providing resources from which to learn and pray.

The Sages taught that the study of Torah is equal to all the other mitzvot combined. One of the basic tenets of Judaism, Torah study is particularly significant to WRJ. 

WRJ is pleased to offer many ways to study Torah, including our weekly D'var Torah entitled, Voices of WRJ on our blog

This Week's Torah Portion

This Week's Torah Portion


The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying, "Phinehas, son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My wrath from the Israelites by displaying among them his passion for Me, so that I did not wipe out the Israelite people in My passion." - Numbers 25:10-11


Numbers 25:10−30:1


Jeremiah 1:1-2:3


/ 21 Tammuz 5784

Torah Study & Guides

Covenant Book Series

As Jewish women, we rely on books for advice, enjoyment, and fulfillment. Some of our most popular publications - the WRJ Covenant Series - features original, inspirational prayers and readings written by sisterhood women, students, and clergy.

The Torah: A Women's Commentary

Check out this WRJ commissioned the work of the world's leading Jewish female Bible scholars, rabbis, cantors, theologians, and others which resulted in the first comprehensive Torah commentary to be authored only by women. Torah Commentaries can also be found here.

Traveling Torah

Completed in 2001, the Torat Nashim is the WRJ Torah that travels to sisterhoods, congregations, WRJ Districts, URJ summer camps, and other Reform Movement organizations for conventions and special occasions.

Divrei Torah

In 2013, in honor of WRJ’s Centennial , we published 12 Divrei Torah for use by WRJ sisterhoods at meetings and other events.