Resolutions & Statements
2011: Issues on Reproductive Rights and Health
2009: Elder Abuse (Advocacy Guide)
2009: Economic Priorities for the New Administration and Congress (Advocacy Guide)
2007: Drug Policy (Advocacy Guide)
2006: Needs of Men and Women in the United States and Canadian Armed Forces (Advocacy Guide)
2006: Ending Global Poverty (Advocacy Guide)
2005: Scientific Integrity (Advocacy Guide)
2005: Child and Adolescent Self-Destructive Behavior (Advocacy Guide)
2004: Health Care Issue: Weight Matters: Obesity, the Most Serious Nutritional Problem in North America (Advocacy Guide)
2003: Stem Cell Research
2003: HIV/AIDS: A Worldwide Tragedy (Advocacy Guide)
2002: Statement on Stem Cells, Gene Therapy, and Cloning (Advocacy Guide)
2001: Economic Justice (Advocacy Guide)
2001: Complete Health: Mental and Physical (Advocacy Guide)
2001: Children's Health and the Environment
1999: Health Issues
1997: End-of-Life Care
1997: Child Abuse in the Home
1997: Children's Issues in North America
1996: Parental Rights Legislation
1995: Medical Research and Clinical Practice
1991: Women's Health Care
1991: Universal Access to Health Care
1989: Reproductive Rights
1989: Substance Abuse: Health Hazard
1987: Ethics in Science and Technology
1985: 40th Anniversary of the United Nations: Affirmation of Commitment
1983: Plight of the Elderly in Today's Society
1983: Children and the Family
1983: Alcoholism and Drunk Driving
1981: Missing Children
1977: Children's Rights
1975: Rights of Individuals (Supporting the Elderly)
Advocacy Alerts
2013: Contraception Coverage, Gun Violence Prevention
2013: Comprehensive Sex Ed, Minimum Wage
2013: Equal Pay, Gene Patenting, Rabbis in Israel
2013: Gene Parenting Case, Women of the Wall Decision
2013: LGBT Rights and Gift of Life
2012: Medicaid Expansion, Judicial Nominations, WRJ in the News
2012: Preventing Gun Violence, Health Care for Immigrant Youth, Comprehensive Sex Education
2012: Sh'ma Smackdown, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Get Out The Vote
2012: Social Action Project Ideas, Eradicate Obstetric Fistula Worldwide
2012: Praise for Bipartisan Committment to Israel, Health Insurance Marketplace
2012: WRJ Joins Cour Brief in Favor of Gay Marriage, News from RAC and IRAC
2012: Student Non-Descrimination Act, Childhood Obesity, Jewish Energy Covenant Campaign
2012: Elder Abuse and the UN
2012: VAWA Reauthorization, Or Ami Awards Continued
2012: Health Care Coverage for Birth Control
2012: Featuring the 2011 WRJ Or Ami "Light of My People" Award for Excellence in Sisterhood Programming
2011: Jewish Genetic Diseases
2011: Attack on Mosque in Israel, Breast and Ovarian Cancer: New Research
2011: Inform Your Legislators that You Oppose the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011
2011: Plan a Mindful Eating Sisterhood Dinner for the Full Harvest Season
2011: Support the DREAM Act Today, Help Make Marijuana Legal
2011: Take Action to Protect Medicaid, Gaza Bound Flotilla - Become Informed
2011: Protect Health Funding, Glen Beck's Rant Against Reform Judaism
2011: New Breast Cancer Study, Protect Reproductive Health Services, Housing on the Gulf Coast
2010: Become Informed: Reform Jewish Movement Welcomes Approval of Cordoba House
2010: Ban on Reproductive Health Coverage, Rotem Conversion Bill, Child Nutrition Reauthorization
2010: Freezing Conversion Bill, Reauthorization of Child Nutrition Legislation
2010: Fighting Poverty with Faith, Child Nutrition Reauthorization, Rotem Conversion Bill
2010: Jobs, Child Nutrition, Fighting Poverty, News from Canada and Israel
2010: Health Care Reform: Thank Your Members of Congress, Tune Into "Blessed is the Match"
2010: We're Almost There - Health Care Reform, World Zionist Congress
2010: Jobs and Unemployment Insurance Extension, Sisterhood Breast Health Programming
2010: New Breast Self-Exam Shower Cards Available, Program Suggestions for Sisterhoods