Debra Goetz, WRJ North American Board Member, Temple Emanuel, McAllen, TX

Debra Goetz Headshot

Debra Goetz currently serves on the WRJ board and the Executive Committee of WRJ Southwest District. She lives in McAllen, Texas, where she is the immediate past president of Temple Emanuel’s Sisterhood. She is a lawyer with three children, one of whom has custody of Debra’s dog, and two cats who are glad the dog is with their big brother.

Parashah M'tzora

Debra Goetz, WRJ North American Board Member, Temple Emanuel, McAllen, TX
We read this parashah during the same time when many of us are cleaning or otherwise preparing for Passover. And some of us will follow the same cleaning rituals as our parents and grandparents did. As we approach this third Passover season of the pandemic, may whatever rituals are meaningful for you and your family help you move forward through these times, and may we all be able to come together in caring for ourselves and our community.

Parashah Korach

Debra Goetz, WRJ North American Board Member, Temple Emanuel, McAllen, TX


There is something a bit disturbing about reading a Torah portion with insurrections and plague in 2021. Parashah Korach (Numbers 16:1 – 18:32) contains two different rebellion- Korah’s challenge to Aaron’s leadership of the priesthood and Dathan and Abiram