Jane Karlin, WRJ North American Board Member & Chair of the YES Fund Grant Allocations Committee

Parashat Haazinu

Jane Karlin, WRJ North American Board Member & Chair of the YES Fund Grant Allocations Committee
For thirty-one chapters in Deuteronomy, Moses has told the Israelites how to act. He has explained what God wants and has guided the Israelites, so their lives may be blessed. But now Moses is preparing to say goodbye. God told Moses to ascend Mount Nebo, where he would see the Promised Land and die. After 120 years, how will Moses – Moshe Rabbeinu – our greatest teacher, our revered prophet, address the Israelites?

Getting Ready for Bigger Gifts Fundraising

Jane Karlin, WRJ North American Board Member & Chair of the YES Fund Grant Allocations Committee


Have you heard someone at synagogue or in another Jewish setting say, “Im Ein Kemach Ein Torah? (Pirkei Avot: 3:21, Rabbi Elzar ben Azaryah) The phrase often surfaces when it is helpful to underscore the need for fundraising, which some volunteers find