The WRJ Incubator Grants initiative was launched in 2015 as a way to inspire and enable women to create “outside the box” programs and provide new ideas for WRJ sisterhoods.
WRJ Incubator grants have been reimagined as Microgrants. These grants are created for sisterhoods and women’s groups only. If you are planning a district event, please contact your District President to learn about the grants available for districts. Any project or program that relates to engagement, social justice, or advocacy qualifies for this grant opportunity.*
There are two microgrant opportunities available at this time. First, a women’s group is eligible for a grant to engage women around timely issues in the pursuit of social justice or advocacy, including any work related to WRJ resolutions or high-priority issues. Additionally, a women’s group is eligible to receive a grant for any program or project that promotes engagement in the areas of sisterhood/community building, spirituality, or personal enrichment and growth. Your program does not have to meet both criteria to apply. Either engagement and/or social justice activities qualify for a grant. Multiple WRJ-affiliated women's groups may collaborate on a program.
Grants between $500-$2,500 will be awarded. A WRJ-affiliated women’s group may only submit one grant proposal per year. The grant funds will be reimbursed after the program has been completed, unless other arrangements have been made. The grant funds may not be used to cover general operating costs. Before you apply, read the instructions and guidelines.
Microgrant applications for the 2024-2025 calendar year opened on November 14, 2024 and must be submitted by June 30, 2025.
*These social justice grants would not be possible without the support of WRJ President Sara Charney, and her husband Rick Charney, as well as WRJ Board Member Deborah Lelchuk, and her husband Dan Lelchuk. Their dedication to social justice is profound, rooted in Jewish values, and creating a compassionate world for all. We thank them for making this initiative possible.
The engagement grants are made possible by the support of Joanne Fried who created our Engagement Fund. We thank Joanne and appreciate everything she has done to help WRJ expand our programming and to support our sisterhoods and districts.
Past Award Winners
It is our hope that they will be an inspiration to all sisterhoods to continue to create innovative programming across North America and around the world.
2020 Incubator Grant Award Winners
2019 Incubator Grant Award Winners
2016 Incubator Grant Award Winners
For more information, contact WRJ Program Associate, Talia Blank at
With your support, WRJ strengthens the voices of women worldwide and empowers them to create caring communities, nurture congregations, cultivate personal and spiritual growth, and advocate for and promote progressive Jewish values. Consider making a donation today!