Sara B. Charney

Sara Charney, WRJ President
Women of Reform Judaism

Elected in March 2021, WRJ President Sara Charney is the organization's first Canadian president. She has been actively involved in WRJ since becoming local sisterhood president at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She has held many positions on the District and North American levels.

WRJ: A Catalyst of Innovation and Progress

Sara B. Charney
Shoshana Dweck, VP of Advocacy, Temple Sinai, Stamford, CT

There is no sugar coating what is happening now in the United States regarding abortion rights and access, as well as in other areas of bodily integrity and rights. Even where rights are “safe,” in many cases, we are one or two election cycles away from the

WRJ Helps Build More Inclusive and Just Societies

Sara B. Charney

Mah Tovu ohalecha, Yaakov/mishk’notecha, Yisrael” is an apt reflection and aspiration for both Canada and the United States as we celebrate our respective national holidays on July 1st and July 4th. The seer and prophet, Balaam, utters this simple, yet

Voices of WRJ: Sh’mini Atzeret—Simchat Torah 5781

Sara B. Charney


V’zot Hab’rachah, “This is the blessing,” is the Torah portion read on Simchat Torah. This is the final blessing Moses will proclaim to the ten tribes of Israel prior to his death. The tone is positive and forward-looking; Moses’ words are filled with

WRJ Israel Mission 2020: Ozi v’zimrat yah, v’yhi li l’yishua

Sara B. Charney

What were you doing this morning at 7:00 am? You were possibly getting up, getting ready for work, or leaving for work. You may have been heading somewhere for Shacharit services, in which case you were in luck, as today we welcomed Rosh Chodesh Adar.


WRJ Voices: Vayeishev

Sara B. Charney

Journeys, journeys and yet, more journeys! How wonderful for Jacob that he is now settled in the land of Canaan. The opening word of this week’s Torah portion, “Vayeishev,” refers to Jacob settling in the land of his father. While Jacob is securely ensconced