Congratulations to the Or Ami Winners in the Northeast District
Established in 1973, the WRJ Or Ami “Light of My People” Awards recognize exemplary social justice, community service, and educational programming that serves as a model for other WRJ Districts and sisterhoods. Or Ami awards are presented every two or three years.
Northeast District Or Ami Winners – 2023
Bronze Award Winner – 2023
Talking about End-of-Life Care and Our Legacies
Women's Organization of The Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
New York, NY
This program brought the subject of end-of-life care and legacies to the forefront from a psychological, legal, and spiritual perspective. These interactive virtual seminars consisted of various experts - from the founder of DotCares to a trust and estate lawyer, to a Rabbi - discussing and informing issues concerning all of us as we age.
Honorable Mention – 2023
The Rebranding of Women of Holy Blossom
Women of Holy Blossom
Toronto, Ontario
In the spring of 2021, Holy Blossom's Sisterhood became Women of Holy Blossom (WHB) and rebranded around its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This rebranding led to a renewed and energized purpose and vision for WHB, creating new opportunities for programming, sponsorships, advocacy, partnerships, education, friendships, and succession planning.
Northeast District Or Ami Winners – 2020
Gold Award Winners – 2020
The Community Synagogue, Port Washington, NY
Sisterhood and Teenage Youth Group Tikkun Olam Project
The Community Synagogue Sisterhood worked with over 100 teenagers from their youth group, teaching about the mitzvah of comforting the ill. The teens made heart-shaped pillows and supportive cards for cancer patients. The pillows provide underarm cushion for patients who have had lymph nodes removed and protect chest chemo-therapy ports from seat-belts.
Silver Award Winners – 2020
Sisterhood of B'nai Israel, Southbury, CT
Sisterhood's Bat Mitzvah - 13 Events for 13 Years
In recognition of B’nai Israel’s Sisterhood's creation in February 2006 and their 13-year affiliation with WRJ, they developed 13 inclusive programs culminating in a Bat Mitzvah celebration. Participation in their Friday evening and Shabbat morning services represented multiple generations and their diverse community.
Honorable Mentions – 2020
Beth El Temple Center Sisterhood, Belmont, MA
BETC Reads, A Social Justice Book Group
Temple Beth Zion Sisterhood, Amherst, NY
Intergenerational Women's Seder
Temple Isaiah Sisterhood, Lexington, MA
Yom HaShoah Education and Observance for Children, Families and Community
WLC/Sisterhood of Temple Israel, New York, NY
WLC/Sisterhood Women’s Seder
WRJ Northeast District
Comfort Blankets for Cancer Patients
Northeast District Or Ami Winners – 2018
Gold Award Winners – 2018
Sisterhood of Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY
Days for Girls Volunteer Project
CRS Sisterhood volunteers monthly with Days for Girls, a grassroots non-profit that creates reusable feminine hygiene kits for women and girls living in poverty world-wide, including New York City. Without these kits, women and girls would miss 5 days of work and school each month because they can’t afford feminine hygiene.
Silver Award Winners – 2018
Women's Leadership Council of Temple Israel, New York, NY
Women at the Top
Inspired by the WRJ resolution on Pay Equity, a panel of accomplished, professional women from different industries shared how they navigated challenges in the workplace and established themselves in their careers. The discussion targeted to multi-generations included the gender wage gap, working in male-dominated fields, and, personal branding and self-promotion.
Honorable Mentions – 2018
East End Temple Sisterhood, New York, NY
The Legacy Project: Creative Commemoration
Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, Providence, RI
The Sisterhood of the Community Synagogue, Port Washington, NY
Food for the Soul: Interfaith Potluck Dinner
WRJ Northeast District
Brave Girl Truth Card Exchange Project
WRJ Northeast District
Interfaith Families: Expanding our Tents
Northeast District Or Ami Winners – 2015
Silver Award Winners – 2015
Women of Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El, Scarsdale, NY
Building Bridges
Through knowledge, fear and hatred can be eliminated. With that in mind, sisterhood members and friends visited several local houses of worship. The clergy of each place enlightened them about their faith while also recognizing similarities with Judaism. This experience helped to foster understanding, acceptance, and respect for others.
Honorable Mentions – 2015
Congregation Beth Israel Sisterhood, West Hartford, CT
Day of Service Project
Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jewish Communities Around the World
Temple Shalom of Newton Sisterhood, Newton, MA
Extreme Home Makeover (Heading Home Up & Out)