The Sukkot celebration begins on the 15th day of Tishri. The word Sukkot is the plural of Sukkah which means “booth” or “hut.” The hut referenced here commemorates the type the Israelites built and lived in during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after their Exodus from Egypt. The holiday is celebrated for the full week in Israel and Reform communities, with the first day as a celebratory festival.
Many celebrate Sukkot by eating, entertaining, and sleeping in a sukkah. To fulfill the requirement of building and living in a sukkah, the structure must have at least two and a half walls with a roof made of natural materials. This covering is meant to leave enough space to see the stars but should create more shade than let light in. Commonly, the sukkah is decorated with harvest vegetables, but some people use artwork.
Sukkot is one of the many harvest festivals, so we are commanded to take four plants, an etrog, a lulav, a hadas, and an arava, and hold them. At the same time, we say prayers each morning of Sukkot and during processions around the bimah. After these processions, we are told to beat the willow branches against the floor five times so that some leaves are shaken loose. This practice coincided with the beginning of the rainy season in Israel and symbolized our hope for rain and a fruitful harvest season.
“You will dwell in booths for seven days;
all natives of Israel shall dwell in booths."
—Leviticus 23:42
Programming for Sukkot
In addition to inviting friends and family into your sukkah, there is a custom of inviting seven biblical guests. Traditionally, these guests are the Patriarchs of Judaism. Be sure to add significant Jewish women to this list of guests: Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Miriam, Deborah, and Ruth.
Help children make decorations for your sukkah: draw on gourds or miniature pumpkins, or decorate paper plates with images of trees, flowers, and fruits. For older youth, consider hosting a late- or overnight party in the sukkah.
Use the Torah: A Women’s Commentary and study guides to learn about and guide your discussion of V’zot Hab’rachah, the final portion of Deuteronomy, and B’reishit, the first portion of Genesis.