Women in Jewish Life

Resolutions & Statements

Advocacy Alerts

Resolutions & Statements

1993: Religious Celebration

1991: Equality for Women in the Rabbinate 

1989: Women at the Wall

1979: Women's Rights

1975: Status of Women 

1967: Representation on Committees and Commissions of the UAHC

1963: Ordination of Women as Rabbis

1961: Ordination of Women as Rabbis

1921: Representation On Union Boards And Committees

Advocacy Alerts

2013: ENDA, Women in Jewish Organizations, New Israeli Ambassador

2013: Equal Pay, Gene Patenting, Rabbis in Israel

2013: Gene Parenting Case, Women of the Wall Decision

2013: Immigration Reform Call-In Day, Vandalism Against Women of the Wall

2013: Immigration Reform, Equality at the Kotel

2013: Equality at the Kotel, Religious Freedom in Canada

2012: Sensible Gun Control and Women of the Wall

2012Sh'ma Smackdown, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Get Out The Vote

2012High Holy Days Social Justice Guide, Environmental Standards for Drilling, IRAC Petition

2012Update from UN Rep, IRAC Op Ed from Anat Hoffman, Fair Minimum Wage

2012Success in Miri Gold Case, Gender Segregation in Israel Continues

2012VAWA Reauthorization Continued, Anat Hoffman Will Appear on Amanpour

2012WRJ Speaks Out Against Gender Segregation in Israel

2012Anat Hoffman's Tenth Anniversary at the IRAC, It's a Woman of the Wall Passover

2012Support Strong Juvenile Justice Funding, Segregation in Israel

2011Update on Assembly Resolutions, RAC Search for WRJ Women's Rights Activists

2011Support the UN Climate Change Conference, WRJ South Africa Leader Wins Prestigious Award

2010: Regina Jonas: World's First Woman Rabbi Ordained in 1935, WRJ Advocacy on on Behalf of Women's Equality in Judaism

2010: Support the New START Treaty, Restore Emergency Unemployment Insurance, ARZA Statement: Rachel's Tomb and the Western Wall

2010: Women of the Wall Calls on Us to Take a Stand

2010: Urgent Alert: Women of the Wall

2010: Were Shakespeare's Plays Written by a Jewish Woman?, Say Yes for Family Reunification

2010: Aid Earthquake Victims, Women of Faith Leadership Summit, Women, Faith, and Development Alliance Paises WRJ

2010: Anat Hoffman Interrogated by the Jerusalem Police

2010: WRJ Sisterhoods Stand in Solidarity with Women of the Wall