Julia Weinstein

julia weinstein headshot

Julia Weinstein is a member of the Commission on Social Action of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism where she represents WRJ on the CSA Amicus Brief Committee. Previously, Julia served on WRJ’s North American Board as WRJ Vice President of Advocacy and Marketing & Communications and WRJ Vice President of Programs and Education as well as on the Pacific District Board as an officer. She was a recipient of the 2022 WRJ Women’s Empowerment Award. Julia is an attorney and member of the bars of California and New York. She is a member of Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles, CA.

Our Votes Matter This November - Especially on the Local Level

Julia Weinstein
In 2016, WRJ focused on reproductive rights, gun violence, pay equity, health care, and immigration as issues that were and remain key to making educated choices in how to vote. Today, however, we see the ability to vote itself threatened. Just this year, 19 states enacted 33 laws making it harder for their citizens to vote. In the absence of federal voting right legislation, it is becoming apparent that it is at the local level, especially in this current local election cycle and in the 2022 mid-terms, where the future of our democracy will be played out.

Voices of WRJ - T'rumah

Julia Weinstein


In Parashah T'rumah, God instructs, “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” Where does God dwell today, and how do we apply the concept of sanctuary to our lives during these uncertain times?

God was very detailed in instructing the

Voices of WRJ: Matot-Masei

Julia Weinstein

On our recent WRJ Virtual Trip to Israel, tour guide Shari Robins aptly began our time together by describing the “world’s first virtual tour” (Deuteronomy 34:1) when Moses went up to Mount Nebo and “the Lord showed him all the land.” The journey from Sinai to