Rozan Anderson

Rozan Anderson Headshot
Women of Reform Judaism

Rozan Anderson is Heartland District's President and a member of Temple Beth El Sisterhood in Madison, WI 

Learning & Traveling with WRJ

Rozan Anderson
Besides traveling with friends and being with our amazing educator, Shari Robins, what makes these tours especially appealing to me are the opportunities to meet with our partner and beneficiary organizations. There’s nothing quite like seeing our YES Fund dollars in action and hearing from those whose lives are impacted by our work. In addition, we often visit sites off the beaten path where many other groups and individuals wouldn’t know to go.

Voices of WRJ - Emor

Rozan Anderson



Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23) is of special significance to me this year since it was my twin daughters’ b’not mitzvah parashah 20 years ago this week. I also realized that as I approached my 65th birthday in June, this is the fifth anniversary (times

Voices of WRJ: Noach

Rozan Anderson


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hanging on to some hope for a reset for our world. I worry a lot. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping. I often have difficulty focusing on tasks beyond staying current with the latest news of the day – and we seemingly

WRJ Voices: Ki Tavo

Rozan Anderson

This week’s parashat, Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8), lays out Moses’s final instructions to the people as they are about to enter the Promised Land, after forty years of wandering in the desert. Though many of these rules have already been delivered, this is

WRJ Voices: Ki Teitzei

Rozan Anderson

Our parashah this week, Ki Teitzei (Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19), is a compendium of laws, laws, and more laws that Moses lays out, sometimes (to me, at least) in a seemingly random and occasionally repetitive order.

I have to be honest. Some of the laws are