Jenn: In 2006, I began my sisterhood journey because leaders of my sisterhood deemed it was time for “new blood.” They were tired of always being in charge. At the time, I did not hold a position on the Board and had only assisted on one fundraiser. I was the mother of a two-year old, and the sisterhood president explained to myself and two other mothers of young children that she wanted to bring in the next generation of our women’s group. They would pay our way to a WRJ conference and the only thing they expected in return was to bring back new ideas.
Though hesitant, we all attended the Fried Women’s Conference in New Orleans, LA. While we were only charged with bringing back information, we were so energized with dynamic new programming ideas that each one of us was ready to lead everything we had learned about at FWC. The innovative workshops, the fellow WRJ members we met, the connections to other leaders around the country – we were ready to refresh our sisterhood, and our new “outside the box” ideas were embraced. Four years later, I was sisterhood president, and those two women remain my closest friends in the world.
Moral of the story: Inspire and invest in the next generation of your women’s group by encouraging them to attend our next Fried’s Women’s Conference, May 31 – June 2, 2024 in New Orleans, LA.
Or choose to invest in yourself!The skills you will learn from conference workshops will serve you well beyond your involvement with WRJ. Whether you are new and feeling hesitant about attending or are an active WRJ leader, please believe me when I say attending this conference will make a difference in your life. I know it has in mine!
Michelle: In 2017, Jenn Daley and I were asked to co-present a workshop at FWC on “Engaging Programming.” At the time, Jenn and I had never met, nor had we any idea how much we both loved encouraging others to participate in innovative programming. Little did we know that this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and a workshop-presenting partnership that gets stronger every year. Whether it be “Innovative Programming,” “Intergenerational Programming” and now co-chairing the next Fried Women’s Conference in New Orleans, Jenn and I have always wanted to share our passion for engaging WRJ events with others. As we’ve planned the upcoming FWC for the past year, we are dedicated to providing workshops and conference programming that embrace our three S’s – Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice. Jenn and I are excited to include a fourth track of workshops: Self-growth.
Jenn: With over 40 choices of workshop topics and renowned plenary speakers, there will be something for everyone. If you are new to WRJ and our important work around the world, or a seasoned WRJ member, or simply want to hone your leadership skills, there will be new innovative sessions that introduce contemporary learning for all of us. We wanted to create an experience that embraces women, nonbinary, and genderfluid people who are interested in WRJ and the Reform Jewish community – a place where there is something for everyone at FWC. Along with our meaningful Shabbat worship experience, led by Artist-in-Residence Elana Arian, this conference is pivotal in creating connections and enjoying time with WRJ leaders and friends!
We would be remiss if we didn’t thank local arrangements chair and WRJ lifetime Board member, Joanne Fried, for all her hard work in working with the local New Orleans sisterhoods in preparation for FWC, but more importantly, for her generous gift that allows WRJ to underwrite a substantial portion of the registration fees. Her generous gift allowsmore attendees to experience FWC! We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!
Interested in learning more? Please visit the FWC website to read more details about the conference and learn how to register. Early bird registration closes April 10!