
Mid-Atlantic District


Photo of the silhouette of four people trying to help a fifth person cross a gap in between two rocks

    Building a Future Stable -  

    Grooming New Leadership

             March 2, 2025 at 7:00 PM

     Sisterhoods and other women’s groups continually express that the biggest challenge they face is to fill their leadership positions, especially those at the very top of the organization. Building a strong leadership pipeline is at the core of every successful organization. But filling positions doesn’t start during the nominating process. It is an ongoing undertaking. Join Helene Waranch, past WRJ and Mid-Atlantic District president, to learn the secrets that will help you optimize talent potential and keep your sisterhood or women’s group moving forward. A must-attend workshop for all current and future board members in your organization.
This is the second program in our WRJ Mid-Atlantic leadership series. Register here.

Photo of the Woolworth store in Greensboro, NC

Mid-Atlantic Civil Rights Kallah

Greensboro, NC

March 22-23, 2025


Please join us for an event that starts with learning about a significant civil rights event, the Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-In (location that is now the International Civil Rights Museum), and continues with more learning and the opportunity to spend time in social justice, spirituality, and sisterhood. 
Click here to reserve your room at the Hampton Inn Downtown.
Following our event, join many of us as we attend the Greensboro Jewish Festival at Temple Emanuel on the afternoon of the 23rd. 
We thank WRJ for an Engagement Grant that has underwritten a good portion of the cost of this event.
For more information and to register, please click here

Red leather purse with handles

Purge Your Handbags to Do Good!

   MAD is planning a Designer Handbag Auction this coming spring to raise funds for    scholarships and other projects If your closet has new or gently used                          handbags/wallets that you are planning on purging this year…save them for us! Look for more details on how and when to donate in an upcoming Candle issue.



Outstanding opportunities you don’t want to miss!

Mid-Atlantic District Programs


jSaturday, March 22 – 23 - North Carolina Civil Rights Kallah

Friday, April 4-7 – WRJ Marla J. Feldman Social Justice Conference – Washington, DC

Saturday, May 3-4 - Cambridge, Maryland Civil Rights Kallah

Friday, July 11 – Sunday, July 13 - Retreat at Camp Harlam with Atlantic District; Information and registration TBD


maj tiles

   Drop-in Mah Jongg at Temple Beth ami 

     and Temple Rodef Shalom 




Temple Beth Ami

14330 Travilah Road
Rockville, MD

Please join us on Mondays from 1 - 3:30 pm when the temple is open for a fun afternoon of Mah Jongg. All players are welcome from beginners to experts. Please note this is not a teaching class. There is no cost to participate. For more information, contact Rachel at

Temple Rodef Shalom

2100 Westmoreland Street
Falls Church, VA

Each and every Wednesday, the Women of TRS welcome our own Temple Rodef Shalom members, as well as members of the community (new and experienced players) for some Mahj. We come to play the game, increase our skills, see old friends, and make new ones. We supply the tables and Mah Jongg sets; you need to bring your own Mah Jongg card. We would love for you to become a "regular". No advance registration is required; just show up. Cost is $5 per drop-in session. All proceeds go to charity. This is a major fundraiser for our sisterhood. It also fosters friendship and community. For more information, contact Debbie Droller at 703-790-9635.

WRJ Events


Tu Bish'vat Virtual Lobby Day for Climate Solutions

Jewish Earth Alliance
Thursday, February 13, 2025

WRJ is proud to partner with Jewish Earth Alliance this Tu Bish'vat to take meaningful action on climate change. You can make a difference by joining other members of our community for virtual meetings with US Senators and staff. Jewish Earth Alliance is organizing the meetings and will provide you with everything you need to participate.

Register Today


Repro Shabbat: With Hope, We Carry On

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

8:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm PT


Join WRJ from around North America and several expert leaders as we join together in honoring the Jewish value of reproductive freedom. This Repro Shabbat (February 21-22), we reflect on the reproductive rights landscape over this past year, the successes and the challenges, the takeaways and the momentum built from time spent advocating, education, and acting. Hear from experts in the field on their organizing experience, powerful relationships, and where we all go from here.

Register Today

Sisterhood Presidents/Leaders Resource Gathering

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

8:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm PT

Join us for the quarterly sisterhood presidents/leaders resouce gathering. We will spend some time at the top of the hour reviewing resources before going into breakout rooms of similar sized groups

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
Register Today


Registration for WRJ's 2025 Social Justice Conference is NOW OPEN!


Join WRJ in Washington, D.C. on April 4-7, 2025 for a jam-packed conference designed to train you on social justice issues and teach you advocacy skills to use on a local (and federal) level. Conference registration includes attendance to the Women's Empowerment Awards dinner, a day of lobbying at the US Capitol, and the opportunity to come together with Jewish women+ from across North America with a passion for social justice. Scholarships are available (and open!) for attendees. The early bird registration deadline has been extended to Tuesday, February 18!


Can't attend the full conference? Sign up for our Empowerment fly-in package - open to all who align with our mssion, including those who identify as male - which includes advocacy training, attendance to the Women's Empowerment Awards, and lobbying on the Hill.


Discounted rates for participants aged 18-36 and delegation rebates (10 or more paying attendees from the same group) remain available.


A bonus for individuals in the Mid-Atlantic District is proximity. Most of us can reach the conference location by car or train; some by public transportation. For that reason, we expect a good turnout of women+ from our region. What a wonderful opportunity to connect with WRJ women both near and far.


The Full SJC registration includes the following:

  • All (8) meals during the conference: Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Sunday breakfast, lunch and dinner; and Monday breakfast.
  • All programming, both pre-SJC (lobbying training on Zoom) and onsite, including workshops, speakers, networking, worship, music, and more.
  • Attendance at the Women’s Empowerment Awards (WEA) dinner event on Sunday night.
  • Pre- and post-SJC access to our private online communications and resource group on Mighty Networks and on our mobile event app.


Register now to secure your spot and join us for this unforgettable conference!

Register Today!